In multibody analysis, contacts must be defined on geometries. With contact, boundary and load conditions, DOF (degree of freedom) on geometries need to be identified when we apply a structural analysis on parts, such as linear static, non-linear static, dynamics and so on. The DOF for a node represent the possible movement of the structure. Basically, a shell element has got 6 DOF that 3 translation and 3 rotation movement. DOF also represents which forces and moments are transferred from one element to the next. The results of a finite element analysis, (deflections and stresses), are usually given at the nodes. In structural analysis softwares, the contact is generated by…
What is Fatigue?
Fatigue In general, boundary condition loads are at a level that do not cause any damage when applied once, but when repeatedly applied, damage occurs in the form of cracks or fractures. In other words, fatigue is the changes that occur in the internal structure of the material under variable stresses. Life: It is the number of cycles that the machine element can resist until it breaks. Fatigue damage; Breaking a material under variable dynamic loads after a certain period of time is called fatigue damage. Except in special cases, the stress level, which causes fatigue mostly, is less than the yield strength of the material. Material behavior under variable…
Essential Structural Analysis
Static Analysis It includes consequences of steady-state which means the design will survive/behave as requested under boundary conditions or will not. Static analysis does not depend on the time. Static analysis may not give enough respond to request if there is a time dependent analysis. Dynamic Analiysis It is used to specify of design’s and components’ dynamic behaviours. Unlike Static analysis, dynamic analysis depends on the time, and inertia and damping of the structure are dramatically important in dynamic analyzes. Dynamic behaviours of the structure may be one or more of the following; Vibration properties The effect of harmonic loads The effects of seismic and shock loads The effect of…